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Updated: Apr 13, 2024

  • Fold your bedding and leave on beds ready for packing.

  • If you have chosen to have your packing done for you the packers will take these items straight from shelves, cabinets etc.

  • Leave clothes on hangers and these can be packed into wardrobe cartons. All hangers should be round the same way.

  • You can usually leave items of clothing etc in chests of drawers.

  • In accordance with insurance regulations removal companies will not carry inflammables.

  • Garden tools, lawnmower etc should be cleaned and left ready to be loaded.

  • Ensure that all food items are tightly sealed or packed.

  • Dismantle/disconnect any fixtures and fittings you wish to take with you.

  • Retain all personal papers and documents before putting your house contents into storage.

  • Washing machines, dishwashers, fridges, freezers and cookers should all be disconnected on the day before your move. Washing machine drums must be secured with brackets to prevent damage. Fridges and freezers should be washed out with detergent and dried thoroughly inside. If any of the above items are not cleaned and dried thoroughly mildew will form during long-term storage. After the move fridge should be turned on next day, you must let the liquid settle properly before it is used again.

  • If there is a danger that the chain may collapse because you are unable to gain access to your new property in time it may be prudent to move out on the requested date and put your goods into storage for the short time in between.

  • Health and Safety regulations state that unless a loft is fully boarded removal men are not permitted to enter that area. All items should be taken down and placed in a room.

  • Simplify your Removals, Moving is one of life’s most stressful events. Simplify your move today by hiring Man and a van, Two Men and a truck or even three men and a truck or more. Your professional residential and commercial movers are here to help.

  • If you still have the original packaging of items you have, please use it.

  • Consult the manufacturer's manual for instructions for transporting.


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